How to sell your own design commission

How to sell your own design commission

Alex Alex
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Selling your own design commissions can be a great way to turn your passion for art and design into a profitable venture. Here are some of the benefits of selling your own design commissions:


Creative freedom: When you sell your own design commissions, you have the freedom to create designs that you're passionate about and that align with your personal style and aesthetic. This allows you to express your creativity and produce work that you're proud of.

Control over pricing: When you sell your own design commissions, you have control over pricing. This allows you to price your designs competitively and ensure that you're making a profit.


Flexibility: Selling your own design commissions allows you to work on your own schedule and make your own choices about what projects to take on. This can be a great way to balance your professional and personal life.


Potential for growth: When you sell your own design commissions, you have the potential to grow your business and increase your income. This can include taking on more clients, expanding your product line, and increasing your prices as your skills and reputation grow.

With the right approach and dedication, you can turn your passion for design into a successful and profitable business.

Here’s how you can start selling your own design commission:

Build a portfolio: The first step in selling your design commissions is to build a portfolio of your work. This can be done by creating a website or online portfolio, or by creating physical samples of your work. Your portfolio should showcase your best work and give potential clients an idea of your style and capabilities.


Identify your target audience: It's important to identify your target audience in order to effectively promote your designs. This can include researching the demographics of potential clients, as well as understanding their needs and preferences. This will help you create designs that appeal to your target audience and promote them in the right places.


Establish your pricing: Establishing your pricing is an important step in selling your design commissions. It's important to consider factors such as time and effort, experience and skill, market demand, production cost, and profit margin when determining your prices. It's also important to research the market and understand what similar designs are being sold for in order to price your designs competitively.


We wrote a blog on what you should consider when pricing your commission. Read it here


Create a marketing plan: Once you have your portfolio, target audience, and pricing in place, it's time to create a marketing plan. This can include promoting your designs on social media, networking with potential clients, and reaching out to industry professionals. Additionally, you can attend conventions, fairs, and other events to showcase your work and connect with potential clients.


Communicate effectively with clients: Effective communication is essential when selling your design commissions. It's important to be responsive and professional when communicating with potential clients and to be clear about your process, pricing, and timeline. It's also important to listen to the client's needs and to be open to feedback and revisions.


Follow up and maintain relationships: Following up with clients is an important step in selling your design commissions. This can include sending thank you notes, keeping in touch, and following up on potential leads. Maintaining relationships with clients can lead to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth promotion.


In conclusion, selling your own design commissions is a process that requires building a portfolio, identifying your target audience, establishing your pricing, creating a marketing plan, communicating effectively with clients, and following up and maintaining relationships. It's important to understand the market and your own costs, so you can offer a fair price that also allows you to make a profit. It's also important to be responsive and professional when communicating with potential clients and to be open to feedback and revisions. With the right approach, you can turn your passion for art and design into a profitable business.


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