Creating From Home - 5 ways to remain creative at home

Creating From Home - 5 ways to remain creative at home

Alex Alex
3 minute read

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Creators, like many other creative professionals, often rely on inspiration and motivation to produce their work. However, working from home can present unique challenges that can make it difficult to stay creative. Without the stimulation of a studio or office environment, it can be easy to fall into a rut and become uninspired. But, there are several strategies that illustrators can use to remain creative while working from home.


1. Set a schedule and stick to it

Just like with any other profession, setting a schedule and sticking to it is key to staying productive and motivated. It’s important to set specific working hours and schedule in time for breaks, just as you would in a studio or office environment. Having a routine can help you focus on your work and make steady progress toward your goals. This will also help you to separate your work time from your free time which will give you a better work-life balance and help you stay creative in the long run.


2. Create a dedicated workspace

Having a designated area for work can be crucial in helping you focus and stay motivated. Make sure your workspace is comfortable, well-lit, and free from distractions. It’s also important to have all the tools and materials you need within easy reach so you can work efficiently. A tidy and organized workspace can make a big difference in helping you focus and feel more creative.


3. Take breaks


It’s important to take breaks throughout the day to recharge and refresh your mind. Whether it’s a short walk outside, a quick yoga session, or just a few minutes of meditation, taking a break can help you come back to your work with renewed energy and inspiration. Some illustrators find it helpful to take a break and do something completely unrelated to their work like cooking or reading. This can help you to come back to your work with fresh eyes and a new perspective.


4. Seek inspiration from other sources

Working from home can make it easy to become isolated and disconnected from the outside world. To combat this, it’s important to seek inspiration from other sources. This can be through reading, watching movies, visiting galleries, or even just taking a walk around your neighborhood. By exposing yourself to different forms of art and inspiration, you can keep your creativity flowing and your work fresh.

5. Experiment with new techniques and tools

Finally, experimenting with new techniques and tools can help you to stay creative while working from home. Whether it’s learning new software, trying a new medium, or working with a different style, experimenting can help you to push your boundaries and develop your skills. It’s also a great way to challenge yourself and keep your work interesting and engaging.


Working from home can present unique challenges for creators, but by setting a schedule, creating a dedicated workspace, taking breaks, seeking inspiration from other sources, and experimenting with new techniques and tools, you can stay creative and productive. It's also important to remember that creativity is not a constant state and can come and go. It's okay to have days when you don't feel creative, don't put too much pressure on yourself, and take the time to rest and recharge. With the right mindset and strategies, you can continue to produce great work from the comfort of your own home.


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