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Notebook 1: EDC Tessellation and Purpose Statement on Light Background

Notebook 1: EDC Tessellation and Purpose Statement on Light Background

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    Keep track of your notes and ideas while you show off EDC’s brand with a notebook! Great for team swag, events with a small group of key stakeholders, or workshop-type events, this version of the notebook has EDC’s new signature tessellation design and full color logo on the front, and EDC’s purpose statement on the back, with a light colored background.


         Notebooks are A6 size, 105x148mm/4.1x5.8in.

         Notebooks come with an attached band to keep the notebook closed.

    To place an order to send to one address, select “New Orders”. To place an order to send to multiple addresses, select “Group Orders”. If you want to check on current quantity levels, please see the amount available noted above the product title or contact the Your Stuff Made team with the contact information below.


         Re-stock orders can only be made by members of the Office of Communications and Digital Design Group teams. Please allow 2 weeks for new quantity levels to be available for purchase.

         If you see that stock is running low, feel free to reach out to Comms + DDG by emailing

         Orders are limited to 100 units. To request more units in an order, contact Comms + DDG at, who will then provide Your Stuff Made with an approval.

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